Buy Phiaton MS 200 Moderna Carbon Fiber Half In-Ear Earphones with Microphone
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This striking new addition to the Phiaton line sets a new standard for audio performance of “in-ear†earphones offering powerful bass response and crystal clear sound. The Moderna MS 200 earphones feature a “Multi-Tune Acoustic Design†with a dual-chamber and 5 tuning points engineered to accelerate airflow. The result is luxurious audio performance with crystal clear sound, rich detail and clean, powerful bass. In addition, its’ double-shelled body helps to contain sound and minimizes reverberation. The Moderna MS 200 earphones were designed to provide the ultimate in durability, style and convenience. A signature of Phiaton’s line, known for its bold styling, the Moderna MS 200’s opulent red and black design offers a bold look and its lightweight, genuine carbon graphite fiber body offers added durability and a modern aesthetic appeal.
Phiaton MS 200 Moderna Carbon Fiber Half In-Ear Earphones with Microphone
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Phiaton MS 200 Moderna Carbon Fiber Features :
- Red-Hot Carbon Graphite Fiber Design
- The New ?Multi-Tune Acoustic Design?
- Tangle Free Oval Shaped cable with Microphone
- Dual Chamber for Rich Sound and Powerful Bass
Phiaton MS 200 Reviews,

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